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Benefits of Chiropractic Care After A Car Accident & How Your Clermont Chiropractor Can Help

Aug 12, 2023 | Blog

Back pain is a common outcome for those who have been in any kind of vehicle collision. Unfortunately, symptoms may not start showing up for hours or even days following the accident, which is why it’s imperative to seek immediate medical attention following a car crash, even if you don’t think that you are injured or have any apparent injuries. When you get into a traumatic accident like a car crash, your body may not be able to feel the pain from any injuries you incur because it’s still running on adrenaline. A Chiropractor Clermont can not only alleviate back pain and optimize bodily function, but also provide records of treatment when you file a claim with your insurer. Here are some reasons why you should seek chiropractic care after a car accident. With years of experience helping car accident victims be free of pain, Taylor-Made Health and Wellness offers car accident treatment Clermont trusts.

Reasons Back Pain Can Result From Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in a range of different injuries, with back pain being one of the most common. There are several reasons why a collision may cause back pain, such as:

Whiplash: Whiplash refers to the pain that is caused from a sudden impact, and the neck and head is suddenly snapped in one direction. This is extremely common in vehicle collisions or when a car suddenly slams on the breaks.
Ligament, nerve, and muscle pain: If the muscles, ligaments, and nerves in your back and neck are damaged in an accident due to whiplash or any other reason, it can result in lasting pain.
Herniated or bulging disc: A sudden impact such as from a car accident can push a disc out of its usual position, resulting in acute pain and problems with mobility. The trauma may also damage and rupture the disc, causing nerve irritation.

A chiropractor can help realign your spine and alleviate the pain caused by a car accident by optimizing your body’s natural healing process.

Why You Should Seek Chiropractic Care After A Car Accident

Here are some reasons why you should consider chiropractic care when looking for car accident treatment Clermont residents trust:

Doesn’t require pharmaceuticals: A lot of people have an understandable aversion to relying on pain medications due to concern about addiction and dependency. Plus, pain relief from pharmaceuticals can only mask the symptoms of pain rather than treat the root cause, so pain can actually get worse over time since the root cause is left untreated. Chiropractic care is 100% natural and can address the root issue to alleviate your pain without needing medications.
Lowers inflammation to optimize function: Your body is likely inflamed after being in a car accident due to the traumatic force causing significant numbers of micro-tears in the muscles and ligaments. Chiropractic manipulations naturally encourage your body’s healing process through releasing an anti-inflammatory chemical that promotes healing.
Prevents future back pain: Scar tissue resulting from improperly healed injuries can lead to chronic back pain further down the line. An experienced chiropractor can help minimize this scar tissue and lower your chances of developing back problems in the future.

Contact Us Today

Chiropractic care can alleviate back pain as well as a number of conditions caused by car accidents. Call Taylor-Made Health and Wellness for car accident treatment Clermont trusts.